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Pristine 500-Year Old Shipwreck Discovered in Baltic Sea

Posted by Ocean News Published: 26 July 2019

A photogrammetric model of the bow showing the ship's boat still lying on deck. Photo credit: Deep Sea Productions/MMT

An international team of scientists, including archaeologists from the University of Southampton in the UK has revealed the remains of an intact and astonishingly preserved Early Modern Period (Late 15th – early 16th Century) shipwreck in the Baltic, using state-of-the-art underwater robotics. This unknown ship is probably the best-preserved shipwreck of its period to be discovered in recent times. It was first detected with sonar by the Swedish Maritime Administration (SMA) in 2009, but earlier this year, as part of work carried out by survey specialists MMT, the wreck was identified as having great archaeological and historical significance

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