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The ECOMARPORT Project enhances ocean observation with a new device in Cape Verde

The Macaronesia Marine Maritime Observation Network (R3M) rolled out a new autonomous measuring device.

The Macaronesia Marine Maritime Observation Network (R3M) rolled out a new autonomous measuring device this week in the Cape Verde archipelago. It is an IMU oceanographic station (Integral Measurement Unit) that has been installed in Mindelo Bay (island of Sao Vicente). This was developed and brought on line by PLOCAN technical staff, with the collaboration of the National Fisheries Development Institute (INDP) as part of the ECOMARPORTproject.

The IMU device, located in the Mindelo Yacht Marina facilities, comprises a specific array of cutting-edge oceanographic sensors aimed at continually measuring essential sea-water variables like temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen and turbidity. The recorded data is made available every hour, along with the other data acquired by existing devices installed in the four archipelagos of Macaronesia, over the PLOCAN data portal that can be accessed from the web R3M.

The trip to Sao Vicente by the PLOCAN technical team enabled them to tackle maintenance tasks on other measuring devices that R3M already has set up in Cape Verde, such as the multi-parameter meteorological station in the INDP facilities in Mindelo, which has been in operation since 2015.

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